Dr. Fredrik Bergstrand, DDS

Specialist in Orthodontics & Pedodontics. Born in Sweden in 1948. DDS in 1975 from Royal Dental School, Karolinska Institute Stockholm. Specialist in Pedodontics in 1983, Royal Dental School Karolinska Institute, Huddinge. Specialist in Orthodontics in 1986 at Eastman Institute, Stockholm. Dr. Bergstrand is currently part time in private practise in Stockholm Sweden, visiting professor at USC, Los Angeles, USA and Professional Services Manager at 3M Unitek. He has done extensive lecturing in Europe, Middle East, Asia, USA and Australia/NZ. Has taken a special interest in Orthodontic Materials and Procedures. Publications include formation and prevention of enamel decalcifications, temporary anchorage devices and evaluation of bonding materials. Current research interests focus on the clinical application of modern bonding materials and prevention of white spot formations and low force appliances.

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