20th Congress of the COS, 4th czecho-slovak orthodontic congress 

Anne Marie Kuijpers-Jagtman

Professor Kuijpers-Jagtman Professor Emeritus at the Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands. From 1995 to September 2014 she was Chairperson of the Department of Orthodontics and Craniofacial Biology at Radboudumc. She also serves as Professor of Orthodontics at Universitas Indonesia in Jakarta (Indonesia) since 2009. Since 2018 she is also a visiting professor at Wuhan University in China. She is a Past-President of the European Orthodontic Society.

Professor Kuijpers-Jagtman is leading in the development and promotion of high quality postgraduate education in orthodontics, both nationally and internationally. She is co-founder of Network for Erasmus Based European Orthodontic Programmes (NEBEOP) and until June 2017 she was the President. In 2009 and 2012 she was awarded the title of Principal Lecturer of the Radboud University for her teaching achievements. She is the Distinguished Teacher of the EOS for the year 2017.

Professor Kuijpers-Jagtman is Editor-in-Chief of Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research, which is in the top-5 impact factor journals in orthodontics, and a member of the Editorial Board of a number of scientific journals. She has undertaken extensive research during the past 30 years in the area of cleft lip and palate and tissue reactions during orthodontic tooth movement. At present, her major interests are in clinical applications of three-dimensional (3D)-imaging and evidence based orthodontics. She has (co)authored over 350 peer-reviewed papers, supervised 48 PhD theses and given numerous lectures in 40 countries around the globe.

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