The role of the orthodontist in the management of osas patients: from interception to interdisciplinary therapy

Daniel Celli

Keynote lecture

About author:

In 1986, he obtained thedegree in medicine and surgery at the University of Chieti, with honors. In 2004, he completed the postgraduate course in orthodontics at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome, also with honors. He has undergone practical training at the colleges of dentistry of the University of Florida, University of Kentucky andUniversity of Southern Carolina. He received his PhDat the La Sapienza University of Rome.
In 2003,he was awarded the Certificate of Excellence in orthodontics by the European Board of Orthodontists. He is the founding member of the S.I.A.D. (Italian Society of Straight Wire).
Since 1988 he has had a private practice focused on orthodontics and gnatologyin Pescara, Italy. Dr. Celli isalso an adjunct professor at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome.
He is the author of numerous scientific articles in national and international journals and he is frequently invited to give lectures at many conferences both in Italy and abroad.

Abstract of the lecture:

Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is part of a group of sleep-related breathing disorders whose gravity, symptomatology and possible long-term consequences (cardiovascular, metabolic, neurocognitive, humoral) impose a transdisciplinary approach involving different figures.
Although positive airway pressure (PAP) therapy is considered the gold standard treatment for OSAS in adults, in recent years dental therapy with MAD (Mandibular Advance Device) is gaining popularity among clinicians . This kind of oral appliances repositions the jaw forward and keeps the tongue in anterior position. This way airway volume increases and airflow resistance decrease.
In this presentation we’ll show osas adult therapy using the MAD Forward (Leone, Italy), an appliance which we ordinarily use for its efficiency, effectiveness and comfort.
Paediatric obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is mainly common among obese patients and mouth breathers with dentofacial anomalies.
In this presentation we’ll show paediatric osas therapy using emerging dental treatment options, such as rapid maxillary expansion, oral appliances and distraction osteogenesis. These therapeutic methods can be alternative and / or integrative of adenotonsillectomy and continuous positive airway pressure, which are classically considered in many cases as the primary treatment modalities for paediatric OSA .

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