20th Congress of the COS, 4th czecho-slovak orthodontic congress 

Raffaele Spena

- Certificate in Orthodontics at University of Pennsylvania in 1988
- Specialty in Orthodontics at University of Ferrara in 2003
- Speaker at Italian and International courses and meetings
- Author of several publications on Italian and International journals
- Reviewer for Italian and International Journals
- Leader in Italy and Europe for the CCO System
- Atlas book “Il trattamento senza estrazioni” in 1998
- Atlas book “Nonextraction Treatment” ed. Fenske Media Corporation in 2002
- Coauthor chapter “Nonextraction Treatment” in “Orthodontics – Current principles and techniques” ed. T.M.Graber e R.M.Vanarsdall in 2000
- Updated chapters in 2005, 2011 and 2016 editions of same book
- Adjunct Associate Clinical Professor at University of Pennsylvania from 1988 to 2000
- Professore a contratto Università di Parma from 1996 to 2000
- Professore a contratto Università di Ferrara since 2003
- Active member of AIDO (Italian Accademy of Orthodontics), AAO, SIDO, WFO and EOS
- Scientific secretary of AIDO in 2008-2009
- President of AIDO in 2010
- Active Member of Angle Society of Europe (ASE) since 2005
- Program Chair of ASE in 2015
- Italian Board of Orthodontics in 2001 and European Board of Orthodontics in 2008
- Clinical private office in Napoli

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