19th Congress of the Czech orthodontic society 

Asymmetric class II malocclusions: from differential diagnosis to individualized treatment mechanics

Dr. Cesare Luzi, D.D.S., M.Sc.   

Keynote lecture - Saturday, October 6, 2018

Skeletal and dento-alveolar asymmetries can be considered one of the major challenges in modern orthodontics. The first step for final success is a proper diagnosis which highlights the type and localizes the asymmetry. Functional or structural, dental or skeletal asymmetries require different treatments. The second step is setting the goal, by deciding whether the asymmetry is treatable or not with a pure orthodontic approach or requires more invasive treatment methods such as orthognatic surgery. If the decision is to address the asymmetry by dental movements, an individualized treatment plan with asymmetric mechanics and anchorage should be set-up. The third and final step is appliance choice and design, which is nothing but a logical consequence of the problem that has to be addressed, since no simplified technique with one-size- fits-all appliances, generating symmetric mechanics, has the potential of correcting asymmetries. The presentation will highlight the characteristics of class II subdivision malocclusion with respect to a proper diagnosis, treatment planning and ultimate generation mechanics and anchorage.

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